May 13 - Goffstown "Old Gnome Day": It was a beautiful day and quite successful. I sold some doormats, a few smaller rugs, and a tote or two. There were a lot of great conversations and encouragement from the community for this project.
May 2023: Another awesome thing is that the Green Thumb Garden Center in Goffstown is selling Mama Robin doormats on consignment. Much of the proceeds, as always, will benefit local charities. (November): Was thrilled to hear that a doormat sold.
August 12 - Weare Old Home Day: Another gorgeous, albeit quite breezy day. While the effort yielded no sales, there was a lot of interest and encouragement for the project. I donated a 2' oblong rug to the Weare Historical Society raffle table, I hope it brought in a bunch of tickets for them.
September 28 - October 1: Despite my efforts to create a brand new 4' rug, which I couldn't complete on time, I entered a stock 3' Round Rug at the big Deerfield Fair Arts and Crafts tent, just to see what would happen. After a time figuring out where the appropriate place for it would be (I entered it under Miscellaneous crafts as this was a unique piece that defied the rug parameters), it wound up being entered with all the fabulous braided and hooked rugs. Well, turns out, I won a red ribbon (2nd place qualification). For a first-time entry AND the fact I used a general stock rug and not a specially made piece, I WAS PSYCHED! Think I will do another rug or maybe a special tote for the different fairs in '24!
December: Made donations to 4 different local charities with the proceeds earned this year, as well as the carry-over from 2021... totaling $200. Money Orders were sent to Goffstown Historic Society, Goffstown Network (our food bank), Goffstown Rotary Club, and Goffstown Lions Club.
What's ahead: Also, plan on creating an online store on this website as well as possibly one on Etsy. Just trying to bulk up my inventory before I get too ahead of myself.