NRDuval Creation

Mama Robin Upcycles
Repurposed plastic rugs, totes, and such... better your porch than the landfill!

How It All Began...
This whole idea started by watching videos of the enormous amount of plastic waste in landfills and in the oceans. Ocean wildlife slowly dying and people getting sick because of the mindless pollution. A concurrent (seemingly unrelated) thought concerned the amazing non-profit organizations within my hometown that fulfill many vital roles for the community. They rely on generous donations and sponsorships to keep going. So every time I went shopping and continued to garner more and more plastic shopping bags, I figured there had to be a better way. There had to be a constructive use for them after they filled their initial purpose... to somehow utilize the complete bag so that nothing was wasted.
Being an artist and artisan, it dawned on me to make yarn out of the plastic bags (aka "plarn") and revive an old craft of using plastic bags to crochet rugs and mats. With the by-products from the "plarn" production, I crochet totes from the handles and broken/damaged loops which otherwise would be discarded. And the little trimmings are to be melted down to create jewelry and other notions. Rugs, mats and totes are available for sale through local events and fairs, while melted plastic (and other upcycled material) treasures will become available online once they are created.
This is where the local non-profits come in... at least 50% of all sales from rugs, mats and totes are donated to these charities. A good all-around deal, I think.
Mama Robin? This was a nickname given to my mother, Betty. She was very much an upcycle and reuse kind of a lady. She crafted many types of items with fabric and yarn scraps and other things that would end up at the dump. Ma was also very kind and generous to folks in need. This endeavor is my loving tribute to her.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.